Everything Goes with Cherry Coke

A lifestyle blog. Not at all sarcastic. Not even a little.
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Diary of a Guy who Loves Nature Just a Bit Too Much

There’s nothing quite so beautiful as stepping outdoors on a summer evening and finding yourself attacked by a swarm of mosquitoes several thousand strong. This evening, as I listened to the high-pitched whining of these beautiful, minuscule insects, I could not help feeling sorry for all the humans who have shunned the natural world, burying themselves behind walls and doors and windows, refusing to acknowledge the innumerable species that share the planet with us. I wonder if such an existence can even be considered living. This separation from nature and over-reliance on technology spells out our doom as a species, in my humble opinion. We do not reside alone here, however much we want to pretend this is the case. We are part of an ecosystem, along with countless other species, just like the mosquitoes. Sailing in on a cloud of their own kin, they fill the air with their chorus. What an incredible experience it is to be caught in the midst of their feeding frenzy!
I can’t wait to stay up all night scratching at the malaria-filled pustules they leave behind on my ravaged skin.